These foundational lessons for elementary, middle, and high school students’ explore environmental justice (EJ) history and concepts. By learning from leaders and events that helped form the EJ movement, students discover how they can help dismantle and counteract damage caused by systemic racism. Written in partnership with Groundwork USA.
The Introduction to Environmental Justice lessons are designed to create a foundation for elementary, middle, and high school students’ understanding of environmental justice (EJ) history and concepts. Each lesson facilitates students’ exploration of how kindness, education, and action can contribute to repairing damage caused by racist behaviors, policies, and systems.
Understanding EJ history and concepts
Through engaging lessons and activities, students explore the history of environmental injustice and how this impacts communities near and far today. Content is scaffolded—younger students learn about kind and unkind behaviors and apply this to justice. In upper grades, students are challenged to look at how resource distribution and policies have affect their communities. Students look closely at leaders and events that helped form the Environmental Justice (EJ) movement and discuss how they can help dismantle/counteract the damage caused by systemic racism.
Introduction to Environmental Justice includes:
Robust and engaging multi-session lessons for elementary, middle, and high schoolers that encourage awareness, personal development, role-playing, and critical thinking with a range of teaching strategies, including presentations, videos, activities, assessments, cross-disciplinary strategies, technology integration, and community extensions.
Student worksheets that engage students in real-world learning exercises.
Illustrated posters that highlight Environmental Justice Heroes that students learn from and celebrate, and 12 Just/Unjust scenario cards for students to critically think about and discuss.
Introduction to Environmental Justice lessons are aligned to the following standards:
Cloud Education for Sustainability (EFS)
Standards & Performance Indicators
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
The Introduction to Environmental Justice Lessons were created in partnership with Groundwork USA.
”EcoRise curriculum has been an incredible addition to my classroom. It is hands-on and highly engaging. It leads to deep discussions around equity and the true meaning of sustainability. The lessons are easy to follow and prepare for. I cannot recommend this curriculum enough.
Boston Teacher