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Connecting with community partners is a great way to bring diverse perspectives and interesting activities into the classroom. Over the years, several EcoRise trained teachers in Austin have reached out to The Sustainable Food Center (SFC) to bring volunteers into the classroom to discuss a variety of topics including gardening, healthy eating, and access to food. The SFC cultivates a healthy community by strengthening the local food system and improving access to nutritious, affordable food. SFC envisions a food-secure community where all children and adults grow, share, and prepare healthy, local food.

Ashton Hall, Environmental Systems teacher at Anderson High School in Austin, recently invited the SFC to the classroom to supplement their study of EcoRise’s Food section in the Eco Foundations curriculum. Volunteers Ellen Orabone and Katie Pace spoke with students about the economy of food, food deserts, and income disparity between large scale farms and local farmers.

“The activities were very engaging and related perfectly with the Food Unit from the EcoRise curriculum!” said Hall. “I received a copy of the lesson plan so I could recreate the lesson with my other sections of Environmental Systems.”

Are you a teacher looking to for an organizations, businesses, or professionals to come to your classroom? Contact us for ideas! Are you a professional looking to connect with a classroom? We’d love to add you to our EcoSystem!

Thank you to The Sustainable Food Center and their volunteers!
Also, thank you to Ashton Hall for sharing your story!


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