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Working for Education, Community, and Justice

Help us activate youth and change the 🌎!


Bringing Student Innovations to Life

We awarded $88,687 in microgrants to 132 student projects during the 2022–2023 school year.


Inspiring a New Generation of Leaders to Design a Just and Sustainable World for All


Teaching Skills for the 21st Century

EcoRise students learn environmental literacy, social innovation, and hands-on design skills.

EcoRise mobilizes a new generation of leaders to design healthy, just, and thriving communities for all.

We work at the intersection of sustainability education, climate resilience, and environmental justice to elevate youth voices and advance student-led solutions to real-world challenges. We offer a range of curricula and programs designed to advance environmental literacy, sustainable schools, and equitable access to green career pathways.

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We believe...

education is the bedrock of social and environmental change.

youth have the power to design a sustainable world.

teachers are the key to unlocking student innovation.

partners magnify and accelerate community impact.

Student Innovation Projects

BMPV Recycles

Chacon Picks It Up

Help Us Make the Hula Coop Healthier and More Sustainable

HSE Laredo School Garden

Lights Low

Radloff Repurposes

Saving The Planet One Bottle At A Time

School Butterfly Garden

STA’s Secret Garden

Water for 74

Aqueduct Project

Bedichek’s Peace Garden